Institute for Community Inclusion

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To Build Our Impact, We Need Your Support For over 50 years, ICI has empowered and collaborated with people with disabilities to ensure their full engagement in workplaces, schools, health care…

Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

Our Pledge In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free…


Bayside Office Center 150 Mt. Vernon Street, 4th Floor Dorchester, MA ICI's main office is located at the Bayside Office Center, 150 Mt. Vernon Street in Dorchester, MA. Our building is south of…


The origins of ICI came with the launch of the Developmental Evaluation Clinic (DEC) at Boston Children’s Hospital. The clinic opened its doors in 1967 with a mission of serving children with…


The Institute for Community Inclusion is based at the University of Massachusetts Boston with additional offices at Boston Children's Hospital. Institute for Community Inclusion/UCEDD UMass Boston 10…

Accessibility Statement

We are committed to making this site accessible to all our users. We adhere to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Accessibility includes many…

Privacy Policy

Institute for Community Inclusion Terms of Service and Privacy Policy PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE ("Terms of Use" or "Terms") CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SITE. Last updated: July 1…

What We Mean When We Talk About Inclusion

Resource Guide Inclusion means that all people, regardless of their abilities, disabilities, or health care needs, have the right to: Be respected and appreciated as valuable members of their…

Open Job Positions at ICI

ICI is hiring for several open positions. Please share these opportunities with anyone who may be interested. Join a great workplace that supports and advances UMass Boston’s values of diversity and…

Participant Release Form

Please Sign Our Release Form Institute for Community Inclusion/UCEDD UMass Boston 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, Massachusetts 02125 Voice: 617.287.4300 Fax: 617.287.4352 TTY: 617.287.4350 Email: ici@umb…

Advocacy Advisor Position Open at ICI

General Summary The Advocacy Advisor with the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) will support projects across the ICI. ICIs projects focus on helping people with disabilities work, participate in…

Mission and Vision

Mission As practitioners, researchers, teachers and advocates, we support systems change and partner with children and adults with disabilities, their families, and communities to advocate for…

Employment and Apprenticeship Specialist I

The Employment & Apprenticeship Specialist I for the Institute of Community Inclusion (ICI) will provide services necessary to assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining and maintaining…

Program Assistant

The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) Program Assistant will work closely with all members of the Finance and Administration team to support activities related to personnel and facilities…

Program Manager, NERCVE

The Program Manager for the Northeast Resource Center for Vision Education (NERCVE) will support the UMass Boston Vision Studies program through community engagement, professional development, grant…

Research Associate III

The Research Associate III (Senior Research Associate) initiates, develops, participates in the work of, and managing an evaluation project (National Coordinating Center) at the Institute for…

Research Data Coordinator

The RDC will support survey development; field test protocols; and manage quality assurance and follow-up procedures for data collection, including reliability procedures. They will develop and…

Senior Technical Assistance & Policy Associate

The Senior Technical Assistance and Policy Associate will provide technical assistance in the form of consultation, coaching, and training at the provider, state, and national level. Technical…

Technical Assistance Coordinator I or II

The Technical Assistance Coordinator (TAC) is a three-level series that supports assigned projects at the Institute for Community Inclusion. The Technical Assistance Coordinator will coordinate…

Training Associate II

The incumbent will develop and support online and face-to-face (direct) training programs and technical assistance to human service professionals, and provider agency personnel on services and…

Senior Technical Assistance & Policy Associate

The Senior Technical Assistance and Policy Associate will provide technical assistance in the form of consultation, coaching, and training at the provider, state, and national level. Technical…

Transition Manager

The Transition Manager will be responsible for project coordination, collaborating with staff, interns, and research assistants assigned to the team, overseeing or implementing activities and…

Training Associate II

The Training Associate II will provide field based and administrative support on a project and initiative focused on building the capacity of organizations providing integrated employment and…

Thanks Bill

Farewell to Outgoing Dean Bill Kiernan! Dr. William E. Kiernan recently celebrated his retirement from his role as dean of the School for Global Inclusion and Social Development, the UMass Boston…

Training Associate II

The incumbent will develop and support online and face-to-face (direct) training programs and technical assistance to human service professionals, and provider agency personnel on services and…

ICI Researcher Testified about Subminimum Wage

On November 15th, ICI senior researcher John Butterworth provided testimony on data regarding subminimum wages at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights public briefing on the civil rights impact of…

ICI Staffers Present at Conference

Maria Paiewonsky, Clare Papay, Rebecca Lazo, Meg Grigal, and Debra Hart from the Think College National Coordinating Center and Transition Leadership Program presented six sessions last month in…

ICI Announces New Director

Cindy Thomas (MS, CRC) has been selected to serve as the director of the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI). Ms. Thomas has been an integral part of the ICI for over 30 years, significantly…

CES ACRE Supplement Now Available

Offered through Direct Course, the College of Employment Services (CES) curriculum can help your staff advance their careers as employment professionals. Now they can access even more intensive career…

ICI Staffer Joins MassCUE Champions

Lori Cooney, program coordinator and universal instructional design specialist at ICI and 2012 MassCUE Pathfinder recipient, has been invited to join the inaugural cohort of MassCUE Champions. MassCUE…

Two Briefs Examine Community Life Engagement

What can state developmental disabilities  agencies do to increase community life engagement of the people they  serve? This was the topic of discussion for the Community Life  Engagement Working…

Three New Think College Publications

Think College has released three new publications. Their new Fast Fact, Peer Supports: Focusing on the Experiences of College Students with Intellectual Disability, summarizes findings from a…

New Website Highlights COVID-19 Resources

The ICI has released a series of publications on providing day and employment services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics include offering services remotely, effective use of technology, dealing…

ICI Researcher Co-Authors Journal Article

Ngai Kwan has recently co-authored a journal article with Glacia Ethridge, Angel Dowden and Michael Brooks from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (a HBCU), and Debra Harley…


The disability community is multi-dimensional and complex. People with disabilities and their experiences are diverse, therefore numerous approaches are necessary to address the multiple forms of…

Welcome to New Gopen & Crocker Fellows

We would like to introduce you to the new Barbara Wilenski Gopen and Allen C. Crocker Family Fellows! Adriana Mallozzi, the Gopen Fellow, born with cerebral palsy (CP) has always been an…

The State Employment Leadership Network Turns 15!

Over the past 14 years, the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) has consistently reinforced the core message that employment efforts are about creating opportunity for every individual in…

ICI Staffers Publish Two Articles in IDD

ICI staffers had two articles published in a recent edition of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This volume focused on employment for transition-age youth with IDD. “It’s Not Just About a…

New Grant about Guardianship Alternatives

The Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston has been awarded a 5-year $1.49 million-dollar grant from the Administration for Community Living. The Center on Youth…

Help Us Pilot a Scale of Community Life Engagement

Does your organization provide day services and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities? We need your help testing our new Guidepost Fidelity Scale (GFS)! Our aim with the…

Join the ICI this Month at #APSE2021

Numerous ICI staffers are scheduled to present during the 2021 APSE Virtual Conference. The conference, titled “Lighting the Path Forward for Employment First,” will run from June 14–18. Monday, June…

New Article in Journal of Rehabilitation

ICI researchers involved in Think College’s RRTC on VR Practices and Youth recently published an article in the Journal of Rehabilitation titled, “Case Studies of Effective Partnerships between…

SELN kicks off membership year 16!

July 2021 signals the start of the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) membership year 16! Founded in 2006, this collaborative effort is jointly managed by the ICI and the National Association…

October is Disability Employment Month!

Employment is more than just work. For many people with and without disabilities, employment is about dignity, respect, independence, and inclusion. The ICI advocates for the full inclusion of people…

Meet Mini-Grantee: Collable

Collable is a non-profit organization based in Tokyo, Japan. Collable plans and hosts inclusive design workshops and promotes inclusive design in their work. In 2020, Collable started a study program…

Meet Mini-Grantee: Kids Bouquet

Kids Bouquet is a general incorporated association that specializes in flower bouquets and arrangements for sporting events in Tokyo. Kids Bouquet also provides opportunities for children of all ages…

MiMeet Mini-Grantee: Mirai Work

Founded in 2020, Mirai Work is a small business located in Hiroshima, Japan that specializes in programming for individuals with disabilities. The Japanese word “mirai” means future and embodies the…

New GATOR Triad Study in January 2022

Next month, staff from the Guardianship Alternatives and Transfer of Rights (GATOR) project, in partnership with Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS) and the Self Advocacy Association of New…

Join us on May 15, 2022 for #IPSEDay2022!

What is #IPSEDay2022? Inclusive Postsecondary Education Day, or #IPSEDay2022, is a day to raise awareness and spread the word about inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) options for students with…

Florida Employment First: Spring is in the Air!

This spring, Florida’s Employment First team has a variety of ways to stay connected through conversations, virtual gatherings, and resources! Florida APSE and Georgia APSE are collaborating next…

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride Month!

Happy LGBTQ+ Pride Month! As we celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + (LGBTQ+) Pride Month in June 2022, we must acknowledge disabled LGBTQ+ advocates who have fought and are still…

Congratulations to our 2022 LEND Graduates!

This year, 25 Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) fellows graduated from the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) and Boston Children’s Hospital LEND program…

Inclusion Illuminated: Youth Voice, Youth Choice

In the disability education field, transition often refers to the time in a young person’s life between middle school and early adulthood when they are considering and planning for post-high school…

July is Disability Pride Month!

Disability pride month is a celebration of disability identity, history, resilience, and joy. Boston held the first Disability Pride Day and parade in 1990, following the legislation of the Americans…

SELN Celebrates 17 years!

This July, the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) kicked off membership year 17! The SELN is a collaborative effort between the ICI and the National Association of State Directors of…

Former Fellow Gives Moving Speech

Earlier this year, we held the graduation ceremony for the first training session of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) of the Changing the World of People with Disabilities Foundation for…

October is Disability Employment Month!

Employment is more than just work. For many people with and without disabilities, employment is about dignity, respect, independence, and inclusion. The ICI advocates for the full inclusion of people…

Living and Learning in Mississippi

Emebet G Lema is a 2022 Fellow in the Professional Fellows Program on Inclusive Civic Engagement. This program is sponsored by the U.S Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs…

Congratulations, Langston University!

Langston University, a Historically Black college/university (HBCU) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma has received a 5-year $4.6 million research grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent…

Long Time LEND Director David Helm Retires

Congratulations to David Helm! David has served as the Director of Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Program at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at…

Join the ICI at APSE 2023!

ICI staff and partners are presenting several sessions at the 2023 Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE) Creating Connections conference in Columbus, OH from June 12–15. We hope to…

ICI Staff Present at Annual APSE Conference

Many ICI and SGISD staff presented this month at the National Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE) Conference in Columbus, Ohio from June 12–15. The theme of this year’s APSE…

Online Learning Acceptable Use Policy

Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston Refunds are issued up to 7 days from the day of purchase. All materials included in this course(s) are the property of the Institute for Community…

Boston Children’s Hospital Down Syndrome Program

The Down Syndrome Program at Boston Children’s Hospital offers specialized services for children with Down syndrome and their families. The original home of the Institute for Community Inclusion, the…

Community Life Engagement

Community life engagement refers to all the ways that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities access and participate in their communities outside of employment. Activities can include…

Employment First Florida

In 2011, ICI entered into a partnership with the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council to develop an Employment First Initiative in Florida. In 2016, the Employment First Florida Act was passed…

Employment First Missouri

Employment First Missouri provides training and technical assistance to service providers and staff to make Missouri’s Employment First vision a reality, advancing community employment for individuals…

Employment First Massachusetts

EmploymentFirstMA supports the implementation of Employment First strategies and policies in Massachusetts. Employment First is a framework for systems change used across the nation. This framework…

Future Quest Island

Future Quest Island-Explorations (FQI-E) is an online accessible college & career readiness curriculum that uses gaming strategies to motivate and support improved self-concept, social and emotional…


ExploreVR gives vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies easy and convenient access to a range of VR research, related data, and tools for planning, evaluation, and decision-making. Users can watch…

Boston LEND

The LEND Program at Boston Children’s Hospital is an interdisciplinary training program that supports health professionals to work with patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our…


The State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) brings together state intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) agencies for sharing, educating, and providing guidance on practices and policies…

Statedata offers publications and data related to employment and disability. It builds off of decades of research conducted at ICI about the work of state intellectual and developmental…


The Northeast Resource Center for Vision Education (NERCVE) is committed to improving education for people with blindness and low vision. We offer in-person and online training in three main areas…

Think College!

Think College is a national initiative dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. With a commitment to equity and…

Think Work

ThinkWork! is the hub for an array of projects related to employment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Examples include the Rehabilitation Research & Training Center…

Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice

The Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice (CYVYC) is a national resource center on alternatives to guardianship. CYVYC supports research, training, and systems change initiatives, and emphasizes…


From expert consultation and technical assistance to online training for employment professionals, our services help agency leaders and disability staff to excel and thrive in their work.

Community Life

ICI’s work in the Community Life focus area emphasizes the key outcome of community life engagement (CLE) for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). By community life…


The ICI’s Education and Transition Team works with professionals, students, and families in Massachusetts and nationwide on college and career development for adolescents and young adults with…


ICI focuses on employment through a wide variety of initiatives, all with a singular focus: full inclusion of people with disabilities into the mainstream workforce. ICI addresses employment through…

Health Care

The ICI’s Health Care focus stems from the original mission of the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, or UCEDDs, the national network we are part of. UCEDDs grew from…