Meet Mini-Grantee: Kids Bouquet

Kids Bouquet is a general incorporated association that specializes in flower bouquets and arrangements for sporting events in Tokyo. Kids Bouquet also provides opportunities for children of all ages and abilities to participate in sports and cultural activities, helping them gain an appreciation for both. Cultural activities include learning how to do ikebana (the art of Japanese flower arrangement) and zouka (artificial flower arrangement), among others. In 2017, Kids Bouquet received an endorsement from the Japanese Government as a “Beyond 2020” initiative that helps preserve and promote Japanese culture for diverse members of society, including children, individuals with disabilities, and visitors to Japan.

For the mini-grant initiative, Kids Bouquet is collaborating with Tansei Humanet, a recruitment and staffing agency, and with Through Flower, a member of the Tokyo Abilympics Committee, to implement the “Discover My Kind of Work — Explore My Personality” project. This project plans to engage students attending special education classes at Konan Junior High School, a public school in the Minato district of Tokyo, in work-based learning activities. These work-based learning activities will help students get a clearer vision of their career and future goals. The project will also involve local employers and educate them about youth disability employment and how to create welcoming, inclusive, and accessible workplaces. A college student with a disability who has been involved with Kids Bouquet for several years will lead the Kids Bouquet and Tansei Humanet project team.

Specifically, the project team will arrange for students with disabilities to meet virtually with local employers about their business and organization. In these virtual meetings, students can learn about the types of jobs employers offer and details about the job duties. Key to these facilitated conversations, “Students will be reminded that they have the freedom to choose work. They don’t have to choose work that they don’t feel any connection to or passion for. Students will be encouraged to seek work options and learn more about themselves,” explained one project staff.

Following the meetings and conversations with employers, students will have an opportunity to tour one or more businesses and directly engage with current employees. The project concludes with project staff facilitating a group discussion with students and employers. In this discussion, students can share and reflect on their experiences with the project and ask employers questions about work and careers.

Kids Bouquet and project members believe that this project has multiple benefits:

  • By encouraging students to learn about themselves and their work options, the project hopes to reduce the number of cases where youth with disabilities end up leaving jobs quickly that don’t meet their needs.
  • Participating students can become more actively engaged in learning at school. Once they know their future goals, students will know what they need to learn and may feel more motivated to learn.
  • Employers will be more open to hiring youth with disabilities. By communicating directly with youth with disabilities, employers can better envision hiring people with disabilities. Employers can learn from their experiences of hiring and employing youth with disabilities — what they are doing well and what they might want to change with respect to hiring and accommodating people with disabilities.

Students’ family members and teachers will support students better. Through this project, family members and teachers may find students’ hidden potential and learn more about what helps students become employable.

Register for our Dec. 9 (US) / Dec. 10 (Japan) webinar.

少額助成金プログラム 受給者のご紹介


ミニ助成金の使途としては、東京都港区立港南中学校の特別支援学級の生徒たちに、実際に働く経験を通して自分に合った仕事を見つけ、就労ビジョンや将来の目標をより明確にしてもらうことを目的とし、「自分に合った仕事を見つける〜私らしい仕事発見プロジェクト〜」を展開。地域事業者であり、東京アビリンピック競技委員 Through Flowerや、労働者派遣事業などを展開する株式会社丹青ヒューマネットと協力し、障害を持つ若者の雇用について理解を深め、職場のアクセシビリティ向上、インクルーシブ化など、職場環境の改善について、事業者の理解を深めてもらうことも目的としている。もともとキッズブーケプロジェクトには障害を持つ大学生が数年来関わっており、今回のキッズブーケプロジェクトと丹青ヒューマネットの共同プロジェクトでも、この学生が中心となって運営していく。




• 生徒が自分についてより深く理解し、仕事の選択肢について広く知ることによって、将来、自分に合わない職業に就いて早期に離職してしまう可能性を減らす。

• 将来の目標が明確になることで、学びの方向性も明確になる。それにより、さらに意欲的に学習に取り組むことになる。

• 参加企業は、実際に障害のある若者と関わることで、障害者雇用のイメージが膨らみ、障害者雇用により前向きになれる。また、関わりを通じて、障害者雇用や配慮のなかで、現状でうまくできていることや改善点について、具体的に知ることができる。

• 生徒の家族や学校教師が、本取り組みを通し、生徒の可能性に気付き、就職に必要なことを知る機会を与え、生徒が能力を伸ばすサポートをより的確に行うことができるようになる。