The number of people with disabilities who work in competitive jobs is growing.

Career and technical education can improve post-school outcomes for students with disabilities.

Areas of Success
We offer actionable solutions that increase opportunities for people with disabilities to achieve employment in our competitive and vibrant economy.
We promote self-sufficiency.
We study and publish the latest trends on employment & economic self-sufficiency for people with intellectual disabilities.
We expand economic opportunities.
All people want an opportunity to do paid work. Work is one way people with disabilities contribute to their communities and to the economy.
We engage with businesses.
Research has shown that people with disabilities are an untapped, qualified resource in the labor market. Business engagement is a key component in improving employment outcomes.
We are committed to academic excellence.
Our evidence-based research helps inform public policy at the federal, state, and local levels to improve employment and education outcomes.
Areas of Emphasis
We investigate real-world problems and challenges through our vast network of research projects, program evaluation, training, consultation, education, policy analysis, and service delivery.
Building a rewarding career in the community should be an expectation for all citizens. With support and planning, people with significant disabilities can thrive in the workplace.
From pre-K through university, schools are engaging and involving students with a range of disabilities. By building skills early, young people can exit high school prepared to pursue higher education and find jobs that match their interests.
Community Life
Outside of work and school, people with disabilities are involved in a wide range of activities that make up a satisfying life. Whether it's getting involved with a faith community, attending a sports event, or volunteering at a local charity, people with disabilities participate in their community.
Health Care
Accessing quality health care enables us to live productively and to receive support when facing mental, behavioral, or physical challenges. For people with disabilities, adequate health care can require additional advocacy and planning.
New at ICI
‘ICI Gave Me My Career’: Former Staffer Gives Gift to Support Transition Leadership
The Institute for Community Inclusion has received a $100,000 gift from Dr. Stelios Gragoudas, a youth leadership advocate and former staffer who said he hopes the funds can support transition specialist training and student self-determination…
ICI Staff Published Articles in the Institute on Community Integration’s Impact Highlight on Employment & IDD
Five Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) staff have published articles in the latest Impact, Feature Issue on Employment and IDD by the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota. The Institute on Community Integration…
ICI’s Leslie Quarles Featured on an Episode of Mentor Moments
This spring, the Institute for Community Inclusion’s (ICI) Leslie Quarles from the Missouri Employment First team was featured on an episode of the Mentor Moments podcast, Take a Deeper Dive into Employment First and Initiatives Supporting its…
Find Alternatives to Guardianship in your State with CYVYC’s Interactive Map!
Alternatives to guardianship (A2G) can help youth with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) get support when making decisions. The Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice (CYVYC) Alternatives to Guardianship (A2G) interactive map shares key…
ICI Staffers Author Handbook Chapter on Postsecondary Education Opportunities for Students with Disabilities
A group of Institute for Community Inclusion and Think College researchers recently co-authored a chapter about postsecondary education for the second edition of the Handbook of Research-Based Practices for Educating Students with Intellectual…
Featured Project
ThinkWork serves as the hub for an array of research, training, and technical assistance efforts focused on employment of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Our Mission: The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at UMass Boston supports the rights of children and adults with disabilities to participate in all aspects of society. As practitioners, researchers, and teachers, we form partnerships with individuals, families, community organizations, and service agencies. Together, we advocate for personal choice and self-determination.